Spring Development Ringette
2024 Spring Development Ringette
(Age groups based off the 2023/2024 season)
*Maximum 30 skaters
4 Sessions / 60min Skills + Drills - Shared ice with Goalie Clinic
- Location: Centennial Arena, Okotoks
- Date: May 24 - June 21
- Time: 6:15pm - 7:15pm (June 7 & June 14) and 6:45pm - 7:45pm (May 24 & June 21)
- Cost: $60
U12-U16 Goalie Clinic (instructor: Rachael McKerracher - Goalie for Calgary Rath)
*Maximum 5 goalies
4 Sessions/ Shared ice with U10
- Location: Centennial Arena, Okotoks
- Date: May 24 - June 21
- Time: 6:15pm - 7:15pm (June 7 & June 14) and 6:45pm - 7:45pm (May 24 & June 21)
- Cost: $60
U12 - U16
*Maximum 30 skaters & 4 goalies
- 8 Sessions / 60min Skills, Drills and Scrimmaging
- Location: Centennial Arena, Okotoks
- Date: April 14 - June 9, excluding May 19
- Time: 2:45pm - 3:45pm
- Cost: $120
- U12 & U16 Goalies (*free - no direct instruction provided, Max of 4 MUST REGISTER)
Programs are run by coaches within our association, with the exception of the goalie clinic. Sessions may be slightly altered or adjusted to ensure the program runs smoothly.
Groups are based on the 2023/2024 season:
U10 Step 1/2/3 2014-2016 born
U12 (all levels) 2012-2013 born
U14 (all levels) 2010-2011 born
U16 (all levels) 2008-2009 born
Registration will open for non-association members, March 30th.
Refund/Cancellation Policy:
A minimum $50 admin fee will be retained for ALL cancellations or transfers.
No refunds after March 30th.
Registration Link - OPENS FEB 15, 2024 at 9:00 AM